A podcast for us to reimagine a better sector, tackle systemic issues, and yes—raise some serious cash.

Our Latest Episodes

How to Recruit Your Dream Board  with Andrea Shirey

How to Recruit Your Dream Board with Andrea Shirey

Managing the board often gives EDs a headache. When a board functions effectively, it can be an organization’s greatest asset, but when it doesn’t, it becomes an extra burden for the ED and the rest of the staff. So how do you build your dream board from inside out? On today’s episode, Andrea Shirey, CEO of One Nine Design and expert on nonprofit board management, shares with us step-by-step tips on improving your board’s experience and impact.

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Looking Forward with Bruce MacDonald

Looking Forward with Bruce MacDonald

I’m hopeful that some of the practices that we've seen emerge through a crisis can shift our DNA and become part of how we as a sector work together more effectively going forward. With 2.4 million Canadians working in this sector, 13 million volunteers and 8.5% of GDP, we are a force to be reckoned with in Canada, and should be reckoned with. And if there's one thing we can do something out of this is to leverage our ability to use that strength for good.

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