A podcast for us to reimagine a better sector, tackle systemic issues, and yes—raise some serious cash.

Our Latest Episodes

Supporting Parents in the Workplace with Lacey Kempinski

Supporting Parents in the Workplace with Lacey Kempinski

So before I dive in, I want to preface all of this with the fact that I'm coming from a place of being a white straight woman. So there's a little bit of privilege behind what I'm saying. And I think that there are others who definitely have more difficult experiences than me. But I think that this is an important conversation to have for all women. I have a one and a half-year-old and a three and a half-year-old and any woman that I've talked to you that's in that time, it's a very intense time for the family experience.

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How to Work With Students  with Peter Moscone and Catherine Brassard

How to Work With Students with Peter Moscone and Catherine Brassard

While we all know small charities and nonprofits need help and students are potentially really great sources of that help, it can be overwhelming and difficult to think about how to manage them and how to really create a meaningful experience for both the organization and the students.

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Live from Happy You Year - Shiny Object Syndrome with Simon Scriver

Live from Happy You Year - Shiny Object Syndrome with Simon Scriver

Tune in to our live conversation from Happy You Year as we chat with Simon Scriver, host of Simon Scriver's Amazingly Ultimate Fundraising Superstar Podcast, about Shiny Object Syndrome. Learn about how to confidently (and successfully) say no, how to evaluate whether a trend is right of you and much more!

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Networking That Feels Good  with Paul Nazareth

Networking That Feels Good with Paul Nazareth

Networking that way just feels bad. It feels fake and icky and impersonal.

Today’s podcast is all about how to network in a way that feels good. Since those days, I’ve learned how to network in a way that is authentic and that focuses on meaningful connections. My guest today, Paul Nazaerth, has built a career on doing just that, and effectively.

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Values-Centered Planning  with Beth Jordan

Values-Centered Planning with Beth Jordan

Alignment is about having that opportunity to step back and proactively look at the skeletal system of an organization. It's really important for organizations to be able to look at their systems and their structures, which really are that skeletal system. We try to find ways for organizations to do that where they get to look at not only the soft elements of what they do, but the hard elements as well.

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Creating Culture  with Maryann Kerr

Creating Culture with Maryann Kerr

In a culture that is not healthy, your feelings actually really don't matter very much. You feel like you can’t fully express yourself, where there is a lot of insular stuff happening. There's an inner circle and I think you see a ton of turnover.

So our sector really suffers from high turnover and, and that can be a sign of an unhealthy organization.

But if I were to say the one thing is that you would feel as though you are not valued, as though you're not respected, that what you brought to the table didn't really matter.

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10 Steps to Upgrading Your Website  with Kristi Porter

10 Steps to Upgrading Your Website with Kristi Porter

Kristi Porter is the founder of Signify Solutions and she believes in using her skills, talents, and influence to do good wherever she can. As a self-described #WordNerd, she's often assisting nonprofits and for-profits with a social mission in their marketing and communication communications efforts, primarily through copywriting and marketing strategy consulting.

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Building for Inclusion with Christina Sackeyfio

Building for Inclusion with Christina Sackeyfio

Christina Sackeyfio is a Canadian certified inclusion professional who has had over 13 years of experience working in social impact and innovation in the nonprofit sector. She's been a change agent and implementation lead for a wide range of diversity, equity and inclusion related initiatives in areas such as youth literacy, financial inclusion and child welfare. As an educator, strategist and community engagement practitioner, she has developed a unique skill set around designing, implementing, and evaluating complex inclusion initiatives and has worked with a range of organizations to build safe and welcoming environments to foster meaningful stakeholder experiences.

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Playing to Win - A Strategy Framework  with Josie Fung

Playing to Win - A Strategy Framework with Josie Fung

Today's guest is Josie Fung the Executive Director of I Think, which is a program based out of the Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto. I'm really excited to have her on the podcast talking about “playing to win,” which is a framework that helps us think about our strategic planning and aspirations.

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