A podcast for us to reimagine a better sector, tackle systemic issues, and yes—raise some serious cash.
Our Latest Episodes

Managing Culture Change
When you’re ready to lead your organization through a change in how you work (perhaps because you’ve adopted new technology or approaches), it’s important to note that change happens over time, and not all at once. As Ovid put it, “Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence”.

Always Be Learning with Aaron Sanderson
On today’s podcast, I am excited to have Aaron Sanderson, SVP, Advancement & Chief Development Officer at Kids Help Phone about professional development and learning. Tune in to learn about how we can create space for learning so that we can understand how we can invest in ourselves and our organizations so that we can do better work and work better.

Surprise and Delight Your Donors with Matt Barnett
On today’s podcast, I am excited to have Matt Barnet, the founder of Bonjoro, to introduce you to their amazing personalized, one-on-one video messaging service and share with you some really doable tips to spark connection and conversation with your donors, all virtually.

Dare to Lead with Amal Elmi and Bailey Greenspon
Bailey Greenspon, acting Co-CEO of G(irls)20 and Amal Elmi, a Young Director of the Girls on Board program talk to us about their insights and experience of advocating for young and diverse leaders in the sector.

Shortcuts to Raise More Money with Dana Segal
What compel donors to say “yes”?
This is the million dollar question for us as fundraisers.
Understanding how people make decisions is key to our success in fundraising.
On today’s podcast, international fundraising and management consultant Dana Segal shares with us her deep insight in the psychology of decision-making.

Surviving Founders with Susanna Kislenko
This week's topic may be uncomfortable to some, but it's necessary. We connected with researcher Susanna Kislenko to talk about founders' syndrome and how that manifests in the nonprofit sector.

Mastering Your Theory of Change with Lisa Watson
Theory of change is one of those things that everyone seems to have a vague sense of what it is but can’t quite come to the same definition.
How does our organization’s theory of change play a role in our work? How can we ground it in our practice?
On today’s episode, Lisa Watson, co-founder of Openly, shares with us how she and her team help nonprofits to develop clear and effective theory of change. Lisa integrates the principles of design and design thinking in the process.

Community Development and Grand Writing with Stachen Frederick
Grant writing is one of those things that collectively give our sector a headache!
When we write a grant, we don’t know what to focus on and struggle to fit everything under word count limit. When we submit, we have no idea whether it will be successful, and we just hope for the best. And when we get a rejection letter, we never find out why.
But grant writing doesn’t have to be that painful or mysterious. On today’s episode, I connected with Stachen Federick to learn about her insights on how to build communities through the process of grant writing and maximize our rate of success.

Wearing Many Hats with Rachel Bearbower
We all wear many hats in our lives. And working in small nonprofits, we wear even more hats at work. All the time, our to-do-list is overwhelming, and we can’t seem to be able to get to the bottom of it.
How we do our work every day has such a great impact on our long term success.
On today’s episode, Rachel Bearbower, founder of Small Shop Strategies, shares her journey from starting a small nonprofit as a newbie to the sector to becoming a consultant that helps small nonprofits strategize and maximize their productivity.

See You On The Internet with Avery Swartz
For everything that we do at Camp Tech and in all the classes we teach, we are saying to the non-technical people: we're gonna teach you a bit about tech, which you might not know, but we don't think you're a dumb-dumb. We have mad respect for people that are subject matter experts in other areas. We ran these workshops across Canada