A podcast for us to reimagine a better sector, tackle systemic issues, and yes—raise some serious cash.

Our Latest Episodes

Young and Diverse - the New Workforce (Re-release)

Young and Diverse - the New Workforce (Re-release)

Guess what - the next generation of workers are not millennials!

We’re so past the conversation of millennials in the workplace and now is the time to think about how you’re hiring and engaging the next generation. This new generation values diversity and inclusion, as well as the ability to have an impact. This is in great alignment with the nonprofit sector, but the reality is that as many as 30% of employers struggle to fill their entry-level roles.

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Your Case for Support from the Ground Up  (Re-release)

Your Case for Support from the Ground Up (Re-release)

I know you have a long list of “to-dos” that never seems to end. I can also guess that on that list, somewhere towards the end (and seemingly never moving) is to create a Case for Support for your organization.

Well, today you’re in luck because our podcast guest Leah Eustice is a pro when it comes to writing a Case for Support and she’s going to give you all of her tricks and tips. The best part about it - she shows you how you can write your Case quickly and still make it meaningful.

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Raise More Money With This One Simple Trick (Re-release)

Raise More Money With This One Simple Trick (Re-release)

Small nonprofit organizations face the same fundraising challenges over and over again. They often believe that one fundraising strategy can solve all of their problems and look to large organizations for inspiration. Better marketing, major gift campaigns, corporate sponsorship- they have so many ideas, but most of the time, those solutions are not aligned with what will raise their organization money today and in the near future and grow it into a sustainable program.

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Making your tech work for you with Kevin Christopher George

Making your tech work for you with Kevin Christopher George

The cloud is changing the tech game. In fact, it's already changed it. But how can you adapt to this new technology? How can your small nonprofit make sure that you're ready for what's coming next? On this episode, I speak with Kevin Christopher George of Green Merits Consulting, about cloud technology with a grounded, real life, practical perspective on what it means to research, select and adapt cloud technologies.

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Government Relations 101

Government Relations 101

In this episode of The Small Nonprofit, Chris Holz, seasoned public affairs executive and one of the top 10 lobbyists at Queen’s Park, teaches us about the foundations of government relations, how to build it into your practice and how to develop your relationship with different levels of government BEFORE a crisis happens.

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Practical minimalism in nonprofits with Danielle Russell

Practical minimalism in nonprofits with Danielle Russell

Danielle Russell walks us through minimalism in nonprofits. Danielle S. Russell, CAE is a Canadian Not-for-Profit Industry Leader, Consultant, Author, Speaker, YouTuber, and Artist. She loves connecting ideas and people so that each individual can achieve their greatest potential impact. From keynote podiums, to the boardroom, to YouTube; Danielle leverages her unique strengths to help foster collaboration, empathy and action.

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How to Hire Right the First Time with Maria Rotundo

How to Hire Right the First Time with Maria Rotundo

Have you ever felt bewildered by a new hire, who seemed fantastic on paper and in interviews but just wasn’t what you expected? How much time and resources to charities waste with bad hires?

It’s not your fault - most people are really bad at making effective hiring decisions. Maria Rotundo, Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management at the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, helps us find the right candidates, onboard them and help them grow within our organizations.

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