A podcast for us to reimagine a better sector, tackle systemic issues, and yes—raise some serious cash.
Our Latest Episodes

Leading for Impact with Nouman Ashraf
Sometimes due to lack of resources, it can be hard for small organizations to refocus on impact. What have you found working with organizations that are some of the challenges that you help them overcome?
The first challenge that I think is absolutely pivotal is the challenge of mindset. Do you as a leader in a sector, a leader within your organization, a leader within a community, do you see yourself as a shaper? Or do you see yourself as a taker?

Unlocking the Power of Design to Raise More Money with John Lepp
Let me start by saying today we're going to be talking about direct appeal fundraising and specifically design because design is a really important piece of what we're sending out so can you start by talking about why design is important and what impact it can have if done right versus not right?

Your Case for Support From the Ground Up with Leah Eustace
Everyone always talks about needing a case for support. And sometimes they confuse it with a pitch deck. And oftentimes, they'll write one without really understanding how to do it well. So today, we're going to pull back the curtain and show people how to do well.
I think there's a lot of kind of inertia around these things. And I've been there myself, it just feels overwhelming. Is it really necessary? Is it really urgent? For small nonprofits, it can feel like it's just another thing to do.

Young and Diverse - The New Workforce with Tamara Balan and Bareera Sial
HireNext is a tool that we've designed to help employers get to the best young talent Canada has to offer. As many as 30% of employers struggle to fill their entry level roles. And if they're not struggling to fill them, then they're working hard to keep great talent in the organization.

The Introvert’s Survival Guide with Trina Isakson
So today we're talking about introverts. Let's define what it means to be introverted.
Introverts are people who get their energy from time alone. Some people will equate introversion with shyness or social anxiety but those two things while they sometimes might overlap, are very distinct from one another.

Supporting Parents in the Workplace with Lacey Kempinski
So before I dive in, I want to preface all of this with the fact that I'm coming from a place of being a white straight woman. So there's a little bit of privilege behind what I'm saying. And I think that there are others who definitely have more difficult experiences than me. But I think that this is an important conversation to have for all women. I have a one and a half-year-old and a three and a half-year-old and any woman that I've talked to you that's in that time, it's a very intense time for the family experience.

How to Work With Students with Peter Moscone and Catherine Brassard
While we all know small charities and nonprofits need help and students are potentially really great sources of that help, it can be overwhelming and difficult to think about how to manage them and how to really create a meaningful experience for both the organization and the students.

Aligning Your Board with Patricia Bradshaw
We are talking about boards, everyone's favourite topic! But also more specifically how to create a high functioning board. And part of that is understanding what doesn't work with board functionality.

Live from Happy You Year - Shiny Object Syndrome with Simon Scriver
Tune in to our live conversation from Happy You Year as we chat with Simon Scriver, host of Simon Scriver's Amazingly Ultimate Fundraising Superstar Podcast, about Shiny Object Syndrome. Learn about how to confidently (and successfully) say no, how to evaluate whether a trend is right of you and much more!

Networking That Feels Good with Paul Nazareth
Networking that way just feels bad. It feels fake and icky and impersonal.
Today’s podcast is all about how to network in a way that feels good. Since those days, I’ve learned how to network in a way that is authentic and that focuses on meaningful connections. My guest today, Paul Nazaerth, has built a career on doing just that, and effectively.