A podcast for us to reimagine a better sector, tackle systemic issues, and yes—raise some serious cash.

Our Latest Episodes

Get Those Grants with DeaRonda Harrison

Get Those Grants with DeaRonda Harrison

Are you still hesitant to hire a grant writer for your organization? Maybe you’ve had great success with grants and the portfolio has become time consuming and too large to handle. Or, maybe your sending out applications left, right, and centre and still not having any luck. Join DeaRonda Harrison to deep dive into all things grant writing - from benefits, challenges and the importance of it!

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Tending The Seeds That You Sew with Patrick Rodriguez

Tending The Seeds That You Sew with Patrick Rodriguez

Today, on the podcast we’re talking all about patience - the ability to play the long game to have a greater impact. I’m joined by first-time ED and formerly incarcerated Patrick Rodriguez, from the Georgia Coalition for Higher Education in Prison. Patrick’s journey from inmate to ED along with his deep reflections and patience, teaches us how to look beyond the immediate needs to a more strategic long-term vision.

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Testing, Testing, 123… with Cherian Koshy

Testing, Testing, 123… with Cherian Koshy

You might have heard about the benefits of testing in your fundraising. Tweaking copy and sending to two different groups to see which performs better. Testing different web pages to see which gets more conversions. Maybe you’ve also tried to survey your donors to see what they like. This can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! On today’s podcast join Cherian Koshy to deep dive into all things testing in a way that’s accessible to small organizations with limited resources.

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In between asks - with Mike Duerksen

In between asks - with Mike Duerksen

Sometimes fundraising in a small nonprofit can feel start-stop. You put in effort and maybe see results, but then as soon as you slow down, the money stops coming in.

But on today’s podcast, guest Mike Duerksen, Founder and CEO of BuildGood, shares with us his “flywheel” method for creating a fundraising program that operates on momentum, so that the longer you fundraise, the less effort it takes to grow.

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